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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Umidigi A7pro bootloop

Umidigi A7pro bootloop

Umidigi A7pro bootloop

11-11-2021, 05:11 PM

I have an umidigi A7 pro the phone battery spoil so after changing it like 3 weeks I noticed the battery was draining so the second day the phone went off and won't boot finish unless it's connected to light with charger (it will work fine no restart at all but immediately you remove the charger it goes off)
So i went to change the battery where I bought it and the phone worked fine for a day so the next day it started again that when I thought it was software so re installed the stock rom on umidigi website still the same
Not its not even coming up at all but it gets recognized when connected to pc
Have been using sp flash tool
What can I do now????
13-11-2021, 01:25 PM
(11-11-2021, 05:11 PM)osi-efa Adedoyin I have an umidigi A7 pro the phone battery spoil so after changing it like 3 weeks I noticed the battery was draining so the second day the phone went off and won't boot finish unless it's connected to light with charger (it will work fine no restart at all but immediately you remove the charger it goes off)
So i went to change the battery where I bought it and the phone worked fine for a day so the next day it started again that when I thought it was software so re installed the stock rom on umidigi website still the same
Not its not even coming up at all but it gets recognized when connected to pc
Have been using sp flash tool
What can I do now????

You should take the phone to a hardware expert, its beyond battery

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