Huawei Y611 Cam-L21
Huawei Y611 Cam-L21
(25-10-2021, 08:28 PM)kelvinchinedu U have to reflash the phone with correct build firmware without battery
(25-10-2021, 12:57 PM)Osakaise Hello,
A friend gave me a Huawei Y611 Cam-L21 smart phone that could not display either charging, Huawei log or power on. But when i try to charge it via USB on a PC as if its detected.
He said the phone just went black by its self and has never powered.
Any advice on how to solve the problem or i dump the phone?
(27-10-2021, 08:31 PM)Osakaise When I try to flash using nck, it needs the scata file!!!