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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android [Please help] Qualcomm device: no app icon on display

[Please help] Qualcomm device: no app icon on display

[Please help] Qualcomm device: no app icon on display

Techie Member
05-10-2021, 08:20 AM

Hi, I have a device (Camoro K25) which is a cheap Qualcomm smartphone with PTT and a tiny display. It is shipped with only Zello installed and no PlayStore.
I want to install DVSwitch app and I sideloaded it with adb. But .... it shows no icon afterwards. I checked with "pm list packages" and the app is properly installed but the icon is not there.
I also tried to start it via adb command: "am start -p org.dvswitch" but the result was: "Error: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent { flg=0x10000000 pkg=org.dvswitch }".

I also tried to install a file manager, but the result was the same. The only app icon that shows on the display is the Zello icon.

Is there a way to successfully install another app on this device?

Thank you
Senior Member
05-10-2021, 02:07 PM
(05-10-2021, 08:20 AM)Alpamayo Hi, I have a device (Camoro K25) which is a cheap Qualcomm smartphone with PTT and a tiny display. It is shipped with only Zello installed and no PlayStore.
I want to install DVSwitch app and I sideloaded it with adb. But .... it shows no icon afterwards. I checked with "pm list packages" and the app is properly installed but the icon is not there.
I also tried to start it via adb command: "am start -p org.dvswitch" but the result was: "Error: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent { flg=0x10000000 pkg=org.dvswitch }".

I also tried to install a file manager, but the result was the same. The only app icon that shows on the display is the Zello icon.

Is there a way to successfully install another app on this device?

Thank you

chances are the device is running a custom android version, is there package installer on the device?
you can try the commands below, replace with your package name / activity name where necessary

adb shell monkey -p your.app.package.name 1
adb shell am start your.app.package.name
adb shell am start -n your.app.package.name/.your.package.name.ActivityName
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