Samsung A022F DPC is Blocking Unknown Apps Installations
Samsung A022F DPC is Blocking Unknown Apps Installations
(28-09-2021, 05:44 PM)8lurryf8c3 I have a Samsung A02. Problem is i can't install unknown source apps because of a device Policy Controler I've found no such app on the device wiped so much it begun to bootloop. I can only install apps from Galaxy Store. I cant open developer settings to activate Adb debugging and i can't flash the factory binary gives error code saying only official bi allowed...
Need your assistance here please...
Sent from my LM-K510 using Hovatek Mobile
(12-10-2021, 11:49 PM)8lurryf8c3 Yes but i cant even access the app list from settings or anywhere els as a matter of fact...
Sent from my LM-K510 using Hovatek Mobile
(02-11-2021, 05:52 PM)8lurryf8c3 It gives me a error saying only factory bi is allowed...
Sent from my LM-K510 using Hovatek Mobile
(01-01-2022, 10:15 PM)Kipjosephz Hi, need to flash Samsung A 022F but its indicating that
kindly help since bootloader is locked and I can't unlock