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Hovatek Forum DEVELOPMENT Android How to root the Doogee V10

How to root the Doogee V10

How to root the Doogee V10

Bartosz Prill
Bartosz Prill
Bartosz Prill
20-09-2021, 05:00 AM

Sorry for the long waiting time. I tried to make OTA work. But currently I still haven't made it.
But I want to share with you now the steps how to install magisk on the Doogee V10.

However I decided to skip the pre-rooted firmware for now, since there are a couple of possible issues that may cause permanent damage, if not applied correctly.
So I skipped it for now.

Now before we start - first of all:


- I take no responsibility for bricked devices.
- Keep in mind that rooting WILL VOID your warranty!
- Only root your device if you really need to!
- And most important... MAKE A FULL ROM BACKUP FIRST!



For making a Backup use the "MediaTek SP Flash Tool" in the latest version. (At time of writing this is v5.2112.00)

To make a Backup edit the option.ini of SP Flash Tool and change: "ShowByScatter=false" --> "ShowByScatter=true"

Get Latest Stock ROM of V10:
(Current at time of writing) https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvX9KABcpSV1lVBk1V-eF7dlSM4h --> EEA --> 2021-08-19 v100a-dg-m18-mt33-l-1024g48g-hdp-DOOGEE-V10-11.0-20210817_R21_20210818多国语量产软件.zip

Unzip the Stock rom in a empty folder and navigate to "R21-bom1-20210817_user_20210818"
In this Folder you see a bunch of *.img files that is used by SP Flash tool for making a firmware upgrade.

In "SP Flash Tool" press on "Scatter-loading File" on "choose" and navigate to the folder of "R21-bom1-20210817_user_20210818" and select there the "MT6833_Android_scatter.txt"
Then switch to "Readback"-Tab.

You should see now a list of partition names.
Check the checkbox next to "partition name" to select all of them and press "Read Back" - and then connect your phone to the PC with a USB cable and restart the phone.

Then the phone should start to backup the partitions and write them in the "SP Flash Tool" root directory and generate 52x Files (ROM_0 --> ROM_52)

Now copy those files somewhere safe and copy from the Stock Rom directory the scatterfile (MT6833_Android_scatter.txt) inside it aswell.
Open the copy of the "MT6833_Android_scatter.txt" and now make the following change:

Replace all: "is_download: false" --> "is_download: true"
And replace all: "file_name: <WHATEVER NAME IT WAS>" --> "file_name: ROM_<WHATEVER NUMBER IS IN PARTITION INDEX>"
So as a example: "file_name: preloader_k6833v1_64.bin" --> "file_name: ROM_0"
At entries like SYS1 where there is "file_name: NONE" use the same method and turn it into "file_name: ROM_1".
We do this, so we have a matching scatter file for our restore later in case something went wrong.


After having a Full Backup of our Phone - one word of warning in regards of the "SP Flash Tool"
You may have seen that there are options for "Format All +Download" under in "Download" tab and that there is a entire "Format" Tab for manual or automatic format.

With doing this format, you will lose your Serialnumber, IMEI and a lot of other things that CAN'T BE RESTORED (... if you don't have a Full backup!) And even with a full backup you will get a odd error later that can't get fixed anymore (with red written google and tee text on the upper right screen). You can fix this too, but it's unnecessary struggle. So just take my advice and forget that this function even exists!

Now the fun part...

Starting the rooting process:
In your phone go to "Settings -> About Phone" and tab a few times on "Build umber" until you are getting the display "no need, you are already a developer"
Then go back and go to "System -> Advanced -> Developer options" and enable the options "OEM unlocking" and USB debugging.

Then go to https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk on your phone and download the latest Magisk apk (currently: Magisk-v23.0.apk) and install it.
After that connect your phone to the pc, confirm that the pc is allowed to connect to the phone, and move the "boot.img" from the stock folder (R21-bom1-20210817_user_20210818) to the phone internal storage.

Next open Magisk on your phone and choose "Install" next to Magisk (not app). Then browse to the stock "boot.img" on your phone. And press "Let's do it" and wait for the patching process to finish.
After that go on your pc to the download folder inside your phone - there should be a "magisk_patched-XXXXX_XXXXX.img" file.
Copy it to the pc and put it in the directory of your "minimal adb fastboot" shell.

After that restart your phone and press the button "VOL+" on your phone until you get a list of 3 menu points called "recovery, fastboot, normal".
By pressing "Vol+" again you can choose between the menu points, with "Vol-" you select the point.
Choose "fastboot" with "Vol+" button and "Vol-" to confirm it.

"Fastboot..." should be now written on your mobile phone screen below the menu.

Next you need to install ADB and Fastboot on your PC. I recommend to use a "minimal adb fastboot installer" for getting this step done and install the SP drivers from https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvX9KABcpSV1lVBk1V-eF7dlSM4h (Driver_Auto_Installer_EXE_v5.1632.00.zip) - unzip them and install them with "DriverInstall.exe"

Then start the fastboot shell (minimal adb fastboot) and type "fastboot flashing unlock". (HINT: CONFIRMING THIS WILL WIPE YOUR USERDATA!!! NO CHANCE TO TURN BACK AFTER PRESSING "YES" HERE)
After that there will a prompt be on your phone to confirm unlocking the bootloader. You can confirm it by pressing "Vol+"
Next you will need to install a modified vbmeta.img
You can get one from here: [ Login to download]
You can flash it with the command: "fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img"
(perhaps you need to move the file from your download first into the directory, you are in on the fastboot shell cmd on your pc)

Next comes the tricky part!

DON'T FLASH THE "magisk_patched-XXXXX_XXXXX.img" here now, how you normaly would do it!!!

Instead type "fastboot reboot fastboot" !!!
Your phone will restart now and get into a different instance of fastboot (called fastbootd) and HERE you can now type on your pc in the fastboot shell "fastboot flash boot magisk_patched-XXXXX_XXXXX.img"
And afterwards "fastboot -w" which will wipe your entire userdata on that moment - but this step is neccesary, since else the encryption won't work properly. (and besides... by unlocking the bootloader there is anyway no data left...)

Next type "fastboot reboot" and pray ... When you did everything correct, the phone will boot up now with a fresh installation window - and afterwards you will see a greenish "magisk" symbol on your dock. Just press it and and say "install" - and tadaaa~ there is your root.

However one important notice is left. OTA won't work from that moment anymore, while magisk is in place (as I wrote in the beginning). However there is a kind of bypass - but currently (for me at least) it wasn't working. So I will get back to it, when I found the solution myself.

Meanwhile some hints for problems you may encounter if you choose to be stupid, ignore my warning and pressed that shiny "format all" button:

- You can write back your IMEI with a tool called "Modem Meta v10.2044.0.02" - start it in administrator mode, under settings select the "Disconnect Option" and select the AP DB from stock firmware calibration folder (APDB_MT6853_S01__W2123). Next click connect and restart your phone". Afterwards click in the search tools field and select "IMEI Download". And type it your IMEI for both sim slots (can be found on your phone sticker or on your box, where the phone got delivered in.

- Should you ever have the issue that the Temperature app is crashing - switch the phone language to "Englisch (United States)" - looks like a error inside the app. Perhaps missing language files?
- Should the app say "missing calibration data" -> then use SP Flash tool to flash from your backup "ROM_34" to "proinfo" (Should you have ***** up and skipped the backup part.. well.. perhaps somebody else may provide it to you... ask nicely in the forum and I may upload it aswell)

Then in the end - there might be perhaps some minor mistakes in the guide - but this is my process how "I" did it. Doesn't mean that this is the "best way" - just the way how it worked for me.
If you have problems or issues or don't understand something - ask nicely and I will respond (most likely).

And now (hopefully) enjoy your new working rooted Doogee V10! Big Grin Cheers
20-09-2021, 01:02 PM
(20-09-2021, 05:00 AM)Bartosz Prill Sorry for the long waiting time. I tried to make OTA work. But currently I still haven't made it.
But I want to share with you now the steps how to install magisk on the Doogee V10.

Thanks for sharing!
26-07-2022, 04:27 AM
(20-09-2021, 05:00 AM)Bartosz Prill Sorry for the long waiting time. I tried to make OTA work. But currently I still haven't made it.
But I want to share with you now the steps how to install magisk on the Doogee V10.

I tried following all but still bricked my V20. I was wondering how could I restore it with the ROM_XX files with SP Flash Tool. Thanks in advance (and for sharing the guide).
This post was last modified: 27-07-2022, 10:54 AM by hovatek.
27-07-2022, 10:55 AM
(26-07-2022, 04:27 AM)Davi148 I tried following all but still bricked my V20. I was wondering how could I restore it with the ROM_XX files with SP Flash Tool. Thanks in advance (and for sharing the guide).

The guide says V10

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27-07-2022, 11:28 AM

(27-07-2022, 10:55 AM)hovatek
(26-07-2022, 04:27 AM)Davi148 I tried following all but still bricked my V20. I was wondering how could I restore it with the ROM_XX files with SP Flash Tool. Thanks in advance (and for sharing the guide).

The guide says V10

Yeah sorry it was a typo, anyway I managed to fix it! Thanks
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