[please help] bricked lenovo tab 3 730x, sp flash tool
[please help] bricked lenovo tab 3 730x, sp flash tool
(16-09-2021, 12:44 PM)truepanda I tried to flash Lenovo Tab 3 730x. This device is currently in a bricked stage. I tried to flash with sp flash tool v5.1632 and receive an error S_SECURITY_SLA FAIL (6004), MSP ERROE(NOT ERROR) CODE 0x00, then i follow guide in post @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-208...#pid122711 and start to receive error: ?? (0x1) screen attached. Now i tried to flsh with sp flash tool v5.2104 with same scatter and auth files and start to receive error S_BROM_DONLOAD_DA_FAIL (2004) screen attached. Tried to flash with and without battery. Please help, thank you in advance.
P.S. after every failed flash in device manager tablet all time change devise from MediaTek USB Port (COM7) to MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM6) and back, screens bellow.
P.S.S. tried to flssh with 4 different USB cables, on 2 different PCs (Win 10x64 and Win 7x64) and used all available USB ports.
(17-09-2021, 03:21 PM)truepanda It's strange, because i follow this guide before and there were error when try to use bypass utility. Now it's worked and tabled is unbricked. Thank you.
P.S. i was not able to choose COM port in options and i use UBS connection.