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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Itel p32 network problem.

Itel p32 network problem.

Itel p32 network problem.

08-09-2021, 05:38 PM

Hi guys, I recently flashed a new firmware into a friend's itel device (Itel p32) and it was successfully flashed but when the phone was put on and sim card inserted, it showed only sim 2, sim 2 was null.

I had to go through the flashing process again and this time, the 2 Sims didn't show at all ?.. Check IMEI, it was empty..

I have downloaded several firmwares for the said device, even from itel's official site and yet no luck ?..

Recently, downloaded and flashed nvram file for itel p32, a new IMEI shows now but it still shows no sim...

Please, who has a solution to this problem ?
09-09-2021, 11:17 AM
(08-09-2021, 05:38 PM)Gamero Hi guys, I recently flashed a new firmware into a friend's itel device (Itel p32) and it was successfully flashed but when the phone was put on and sim card inserted, it showed only sim 2, sim 2 was null.

I had to go through the flashing process again and this time, the 2 Sims didn't show at all ?.. Check IMEI, it was empty..

I have downloaded several firmwares for the said device, even from itel's official site and yet no luck ?..

Recently, downloaded and flashed nvram file for itel p32, a new IMEI shows now but it still shows no sim...

Please, who has a solution to this problem ?

which firmware did you flash? P32-F8011-8.1-OP-V022-20180518 incl its nvram?
if yes, did you try different network modes and still no network signal?
did you factory reset the device after flashing?
19-09-2021, 06:24 AM
Hi, good morning Admin,..
Thanks for the response..
I flashed the phone with the following firmware "P32-F8011-8.1-OP-V045-20190312 from Itel's website, V046, V050 & V042"...
And yes, I did a factory reset after flashing..
But after reading your comment, I downloaded the V022 and flashed again, SIM 1 showed but wasn't stable. I had to visit a hardware technician and he changed the sim slots, and it's working fine now..
This post was last modified: 19-09-2021, 06:31 AM by Gamero.
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