Miracle Box 2.58 BootLoad Error
Miracle Box 2.58 BootLoad Error
(31-08-2021, 10:54 AM)intersk On Miracle Box_Cracked 2.58 put this:
Scanning USB Serial port...
SU2Serial Port: COM4
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Infor: SPRD3
Initialize boot25...
>>BootLoad Error. ID: 1
(31-08-2021, 12:57 PM)X3non attach a full screenshot of this error and the boot you selected in miracle boxMy device is "Spreadtrum SC9863A"
also what's the device model and what exactly are you trying to achieve?
(02-09-2021, 01:30 PM)intersk My device is "Spreadtrum SC9863A"
I will make screenshots a little later
The question is not relevant due to the launch of the program version 2.82