Gionee 5007 M7 power
Gionee 5007 M7 power
(27-08-2021, 03:48 PM)prince1111 Please admin help me wit this phone after i reload this phone with incomparable firmware the phone want dead and can't boot anymore also cant conect to the system either.Have you disconnect/reconnect the battery and try to boot up?
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(28-08-2021, 10:40 AM)prince1111 I disconnect battery and it still not boot up,
I dont know the build number of the phone, bcoz I have never experienced error on flashing gionee m7 power before.
All of the m7 power that normal reload was the same file do used but now I have hard break device, but the sweetable tin is that I have a backup of the firmware.
Pls just help me if there is away my pc could recognize it.
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(30-08-2021, 11:21 AM)prince1111 My complaint here is that, is there anyway I can connect this phone to pc bcoz I tried holding volume button as usual and it's no more connecting to my pc and am using umt dongle, but the device manager will detect the device but the flash tool won't connect to the phone. Or may be it need a test point before connecting.
Best regards
Sent from my SM-N9500 using Hovatek Mobile
(01-09-2021, 12:24 PM)prince1111 I got this error while trying to load the Firmware trough qfil.
Switch to EDL Fail failed to switch to emergency mode
Download fail: fail to find QDLoader port after switch
Pls help me
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