[Tutorial] How to disable dm-verity or Android Verified Boot (AVB) - Why?
[Tutorial] How to disable dm-verity or Android Verified Boot (AVB) - Why?
(24-06-2020, 07:06 AM)jc.internet.stuff ...but I have no idea why someone would want to disable dm-verity or Android Verified Boot (AVB).
(24-06-2020, 07:06 AM)jc.internet.stuff There are many examples on how to root a devices (S20+) but they never mention AVB.
(24-06-2020, 07:06 AM)jc.internet.stuff Is it necessary before/during/after flashing stock/custom F/W and/or TWRP.
(24-06-2020, 07:06 AM)jc.internet.stuff Is AVB related to the actual stock/custom firmware if you want to modify the firmware and to be able to use it by bypassing AVB?
(24-06-2020, 07:06 AM)jc.internet.stuff Is AVB got something to do with KNOX? Does disabling AVB prevent tripping knox when flashing with stock/custom F/W and/or custom recovery like TWRP?
(24-06-2020, 07:06 AM)jc.internet.stuff TWRP doesn't appear to be available for the S20+. When may it be available? Has anyone ported current verion it to S20+, G986B to be specific?