Disk Flags:
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 1049kB 6291kB 5243kB ext4 prodnv msftdata
2 6291kB 7340kB 1049kB miscdata msftdata
3 7340kB 8389kB 1049kB l_fixnv1 msftdata
4 8389kB 9437kB 1049kB l_fixnv2 msftdata
5 9437kB 10.5MB 1049kB l_runtimenv1 msftdata
6 10.5MB 11.5MB 1049kB l_runtimenv2 msftdata
7 11.5MB 31.5MB 19.9MB l_modem msftdata
8 31.5MB 34.6MB 3146kB l_ldsp msftdata
9 34.6MB 37.7MB 3146kB l_gdsp msftdata
10 37.7MB 40.9MB 3146kB l_warm msftdata
11 40.9MB 41.9MB 1049kB pm_sys msftdata
12 41.9MB 43.0MB 1049kB logo msftdata
13 43.0MB 44.0MB 1049kB fbootlogo msftdata
14 44.0MB 45.1MB 1049kB wcnfdl msftdata
15 45.1MB 55.6MB 10.5MB wcnmodem msftdata
16 55.6MB 76.5MB 21.0MB boot msftdata
17 76.5MB 78.6MB 2097kB persist msftdata
18 78.6MB 79.7MB 1049kB trustos msftdata
19 79.7MB 80.7MB 1049kB vmm msftdata
20 80.7MB 2755MB 2674MB ext4 system msftdata
21 2755MB 2761MB 6291kB ext4 sysinfo msftdata
22 2761MB 3023MB 262MB ext4 cache msftdata
23 3023MB 3044MB 21.0MB recovery msftdata
24 3044MB 3045MB 1049kB misc msftdata
25 3045MB 7818MB 4773MB ext4 userdata msftdata
(24-05-2020, 07:24 AM)shankar1790 my device micromax Q402Plus sc9832a android 7.0 1GB RAM 8GB ROM
...after restoring my twrp backup, device not booting. backup contains partition from 20 to 25 except sysinfo partition
and without system img partition . because system has only 850 mb but system image has 2550 mb in size.
if i flash this system image partition then there is no meaning of resizing my memory
(25-05-2020, 01:38 PM)X3nonthe system partition backup is still 800 mb and after backing up and restores only system partition does not boot ,stuck at bootlogo. i have to backup" system image" partition too (not only system partition) and restore it.(24-05-2020, 07:24 AM)shankar1790 my device micromax Q402Plus sc9832a android 7.0 1GB RAM 8GB ROM
...after restoring my twrp backup, device not booting. backup contains partition from 20 to 25 except sysinfo partition
and without system img partition . because system has only 850 mb but system image has 2550 mb in size.
if i flash this system image partition then there is no meaning of resizing my memory
did sysinfo partition did you confirm that it holds no data? or you just decided to skip it during backup
get your device to a working state with the custom rom you intend to use.
make a twrp backup of all partitions you are going to remove while using parted... this should backup system partition to the size of the rom itself ie if the rom has system of 800mb then system partition backup should be 800mb as well.
resize the partitions
restore your twrp backup
(29-05-2020, 07:16 AM)shankar1790 the system partition backup is still 800 mb and after backing up and restores only system partition does not boot ,stuck at bootlogo. i have to backup" system image" partition too (not only system partition) and restore it.
i have backup and restore sysinfo.img partition using dd commands
i will try to edit my fstab ,if twrp can mount sysinfo partition. .
i have already tried backup all partition ( to be deleted) with dd commands except misc ( does not know its extension may be bin file). i backup misc with twrp backup feature.
i will try unit kb (instead of unit mb) if i mistakenly overlap partition
i will update this post soon after trying some fix if it can help... thanks for attention