How can i flash rom for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 MTK
How can i flash rom for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 MTK
(05-04-2020, 03:47 PM)jacksonpzf Hi I am new to here. Erm i have a question on how do i flash rom for redmi note 3 mtk version? i want to use sp flash to do so, but the first question is the driver installation.. i had downloaded the mtk vcom driver and try to install it, but which one should i choose? Is mediatek DA port or preloader port??
2nd question is my phone cannot reset itself after clicked on the reset button. it just reboot normally and nothing happen... can i use the 'Format' tab in sp flash tool to format my phone and how to do?
3rd question is should i tick the preloader option in order to flash a rom? I 've seen ur video but its not clear?.. should i tick that option after format??