[Please help] Gionee F100 won't boot after using SP Flash Tool
[Please help] Gionee F100 won't boot after using SP Flash Tool
(05-04-2020, 01:43 AM)Detective_Khalifah ...
After unsuccessful attempts with mentioned apps, I followed two articles which showed ways to install GApps (Google Apps) without having to flash it; I downloaded the apps, installed them and moved the app files (using ES File Explorer with root access) to directories/folders where they can become system apps. That went well, except, I was still getting the persistent pop-ups on Google Services Framework & Google Play Services...
(05-04-2020, 01:43 AM)Detective_Khalifah ...I decided to work a little more with TWRP. I opened the patch folder of TWRP recovery porter on my computer and put the OpenGApps file into /data, and then used SP Flash Tool to flash the (large) recovery file. After this, I couldn't boot; no vibrations when power key is pressed, no signs of phone being recharged when plugged in to wall outlet. Only sign of life I was getting is the sound phone kept making when plugged to PC, like it was getting plugged in and out at short intervals.
At this moment, I flashed the ROM backup I had made at the beginning and still couldn't boot phone. I left it to recharge at the suggestion I got from your video tutorials on Wwr_MTK + SP Flash Tool backup; after 4 hours, I still cannot boot.
I checked some of the pages on Hovatek Forum regarding dead Gionee/MTK phones, but still cannot boot.
(06-04-2020, 10:06 AM)X3non(05-04-2020, 01:43 AM)Detective_Khalifah ...
After unsuccessful attempts with mentioned apps, I followed two articles which showed ways to install GApps (Google Apps) without having to flash it; I downloaded the apps, installed them and moved the app files (using ES File Explorer with root access) to directories/folders where they can become system apps. That went well, except, I was still getting the persistent pop-ups on Google Services Framework & Google Play Services...
you didn't set the right permissions to the files you moved to system partition
(06-04-2020, 10:06 AM)X3non where you able to successfully flash your full backup without any errors? if yes, have you tried removing / reinserting the battery?
how was this backup made, using wwr?
(06-04-2020, 11:32 AM)Detective_Khalifah I set rwx (read, write, execute) permissions on /system after moving the files. Not individually, though.
There weren't errors while flashing. Backup was made in Wwr_MTK + SP Flash Tool method.
(06-04-2020, 05:06 PM)X3non(06-04-2020, 11:32 AM)Detective_Khalifah I set rwx (read, write, execute) permissions on /system after moving the files. Not individually, though.
There weren't errors while flashing. Backup was made in Wwr_MTK + SP Flash Tool method.
it should be set to the files & folders you copied to system not to /system itself
for folders, chmod 755
for files, chmod 644
so it's likely your device is stuck in flash mode, have you tried disconnecting / reconnecting the battery?
(06-04-2020, 05:45 PM)Detective_Khalifah I was able to use it after that modification. I don't think apps are the issue, because I had rebooted numerous times afterwards and there wasn't trouble.
I got problem after flashing improperly-made recovery.
Yes. I reconnected battery and tried starting. Nothing happened even after connecting charger.
(07-04-2020, 12:15 PM)X3non(06-04-2020, 05:45 PM)Detective_Khalifah I was able to use it after that modification. I don't think apps are the issue, because I had rebooted numerous times afterwards and there wasn't trouble.
I got problem after flashing improperly-made recovery.
Yes. I reconnected battery and tried starting. Nothing happened even after connecting charger.
don't really understand the first two statements
no charging sign? nothing? if yes then maybe something is wrong with your backup (attach a full screenshot of the contents of the backup) and if possible zip and upload only the preloader.bin
while at it, you could try flashing any of the GBL7358A01_B_T30** f100 firmwares @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-389.html
maybe one might just work for your device