Huawei Mt2-l01 (V100R001C01B606)firmware update
Huawei Mt2-l01 (V100R001C01B606)firmware update
(04-04-2020, 08:06 AM)james bwalya Hello everyone,
Please help me find the new update for Huawei mt2-L01V100R001C01B606.My phone sometimes is finding itself stuck in the factory recovery modeuntill I just disconnect the battery to fix this.So am thinking maybe if I update it,it will fix the problem.I can't update it through internal updater because no updates are coming up.I have attached the phone specifics below.
X3non how exactly did you device get into recovery mode?I think I figured what the problem was.It was a volume up button that was a bit stuck and it was forcing my phone into factory mode.
if you're looking for updates for your device then use system updates in settings to check for updates and if there's nothing new then there's no officials updates available for your device
(05-04-2020, 06:35 AM)james bwalyaX3non how exactly did you device get into recovery mode?I think I figured what the problem was.It was a volume up button that was a bit stuck and it was forcing my phone into factory mode.
if you're looking for updates for your device then use system updates in settings to check for updates and if there's nothing new then there's no officials updates available for your device
Now after successfully powering on the phone,it started as new but the problem again is that there is no network. It is showing"no service".What should I do?
innagee Does the phone have a valid baseband and IMEI?Yes ,it has as shown below on the attachments.
(07-04-2020, 04:40 PM)james bwalya No network signal even after switching to 2G only