B310s-22 re-flash help
B310s-22 re-flash help
(27-03-2020, 06:41 PM)SayedKady Hello,
I have a B310s-22 which was unlocked a while ago, now internet is not working anymore even though all LEDs look fine and web ui displaying 4G connection but the internet is not working. Factory reset does not work and telnet is not working to upgrade firmware via ethernet. I believe it needs a new firmware flash but i do not have the correct usbloader and usbsafe files and i have had bad experiences using bad files that most probably will brick the router. Any help i would really appreciate.
Current firmware number : 21.329.01.00.00
(30-03-2020, 06:21 PM)SayedKady ...
(01-04-2020, 10:16 PM)SayedKady Actually I have another identitcal router which works fine which is unlocked as well but has a much lower firmware.
One thing to note is that the faulty router is not able to reset to factory settings ,
it always immediately fails and leaves the router in an all white LEDs blinking
status which needs to be restarted