How to fix error S_FT_ENABLE_FAIL (4032) in SP Flash tool while flashing iTel S13
How to fix error S_FT_ENABLE_FAIL (4032) in SP Flash tool while flashing iTel S13
(06-03-2020, 03:27 PM)nadjtech Hi, anybody can help me?
I wanna flash itel S13 but I get the error S_FT_ENABLE_FAIL (4032).
I tried to flash it with different firmwares I found on differents sites and I still get the same error.
I have even flashed it with a firmware I found here on Hovatek but I still get the same error.
Can anyboday helps me please?
NB: This is iTel S13 and not S13 PRO.
(07-03-2020, 12:03 AM)nadjtech The problem of the phone, it was stuck on logo.
Then I tried to go to the recovery mode by using volume buttons but it didn't work. The recovery was not working. I noticed that the problem was in the firmware. Then I've downloaded a firmware on the internet. When I tried to flash it, it failed with an error code. According to a tutorial on how to fix that error on YouTube, I should make a whole format except preloader. After I did it, I got this new error. And now the phone doesn't show anything. But I can noticed that it's been recongnized by the PC when plugged in...unfortunately I still get this error.
I've three different firmwares, but i still get the same error.
I don't know whether the problems comes from the firmware or not.
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(21-03-2020, 08:00 AM)nadjtech Hi, I'm sorry for the delay cuz I was sick.
I've flashed it with the firmware you provided but I still get the same problem.
Can you provide me some more solutions please?
I'm kinda frustrated 😩!
Sent from my SM-G930F using Hovatek Mobile
(22-03-2020, 05:21 AM)nadjtech Hi, i have finally found out this requires an iTel S13 Clone firmware. I've downloaded one but I get the error 1011 in SP Flash Tool. I've unticked USERDATA and CACH partitions, the flash is done but the phone doesn't show anything.
I think I should tick them so there it will be flashed properly in order to work.
Maybe this clone firmware is not good enough, can you guys help me please?
I can't find one except this one.
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