TWRP Recovery for MT6580 BLAZE_X500
TWRP Recovery for MT6580 BLAZE_X500
(29-02-2020, 05:57 PM)Korean Guy Hi. Fist, thank you for all your help. I have a TruConnect BLAZE_X500 (MT6580) phone that
has a build number of: TC_X500_JUN_2018_V2958_FINAL
and a kernel version of: 3.18.35.
Included in this post are links to my scatter file and recovery image.
Thanks again.
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(29-02-2020, 07:21 PM)Korean Guy I have tried the Mediatek (MTK) Auto TWRP recovery porter and the program does port a twrp recovery but when i flash it through fastboot and flashify, the phone cannot boot into recovery and gets stuck in a bootloop until i press power and volume up and choose to boot normally. i have unlocked my bootloader and rooted it magisk boot img.