Custom recovery
Custom recovery
(20-02-2019, 05:34 AM)BrAvo King Bravoshka Can this zip file be flashed using stock recovery ??
Sent from my GT-S5310I using Hovatek Mobile
(20-02-2019, 08:47 PM)BrAvo King Bravoshka Is it possible to flash custom rom for gt s5310 on gt s5310i ??
Sent from my GT-S5310I using Hovatek Mobile
(21-02-2019, 05:12 AM)BrAvo King Bravoshka Or is it possible to downgrade kitkat to jelly bean by flasing jellybean rom on kitkat ??
Sent from my GT-S5310I using Hovatek Mobile
(18-02-2019, 04:21 PM)X3non(17-02-2019, 02:29 PM)BrAvo King Bravoshka
Sorry bro ,, here is the correçt link
Sent from my GT-S5310I using Hovatek Mobile
try this cwm @!BDQ03SjB!LmzoDXHcTfEBIygpRnQeJAuwOknBVk_NyRn-QytggcI
(10-03-2019, 10:33 PM)BrAvo King Bravoshka Hi guyz ,, am baq again . I flashed the custom recovery successfully but when l booted into recovery it showed me a red ! exclamation mark on the top left side of the screen and it booted itself but this time my phone wasn't bricked so l don't know where the problem is , can you please help me again
Sent from my GT-S5310I using Hovatek Mobile