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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android [Please help] Request for Firmware

[Please help] Request for Firmware

[Please help] Request for Firmware

Junior Member
27-12-2018, 08:10 AM

While trying to fix a bug, my tab got bricked. Can you please provide me any link of firmware for my tablet?
Firmware file: GTAB P9013_MT6582_4.4.2_K9605-MB-V1.1_10INCH
G-tab P9013
Android 4.4.2
Kernel 3.4.67
Senior Member
27-12-2018, 12:30 PM
(27-12-2018, 08:10 AM)merajbd Hello,
While trying to fix a bug, my tab got bricked. Can you please provide me any link of firmware for my tablet?
Firmware file: GTAB P9013_MT6582_4.4.2_K9605-MB-V1.1_10INCH
G-tab P9013
Android 4.4.2
Kernel 3.4.67

How did it get bricked?
Found a firmware @ https://kurdishfirmware.com/index.php?a=...mp;id=2236 but requires payment.

Sent from my M5 mini using Hovatek Mobile
Junior Member
27-12-2018, 02:48 PM
I posted a thread before this about a bug of this tab. I didn't got any solution though. Then I tried to port custom rom. I did everything right. But I messed up with updater-script. That's how my tab bricked. Now I can boot to my Phillz Recovery. But /sdcard and /system partition got corrupted. I had backup to /sdcard. So while internel sd card got corrupted I can't even restore my backup. So I am helpless now. Today morning, I went to a local phone repairing shop. They said, it's firmware isn't available for free. So they said they can help me if I bring them another same device. It's not possible because it was bought from KSA and I am in Bangladesh so, it is not a common device here.
And about that link, I found this too. But the price is not seems very fair to me.
What is your suggestion now? Any Idea how can I pull the backup from corrupted internel sd partition?
Senior Member
27-12-2018, 11:28 PM
(27-12-2018, 02:48 PM)merajbd I posted a thread before this about a bug of this tab. I didn't got any solution though. Then I tried to port custom rom. I did everything right. But I messed up with updater-script. That's how my tab bricked. Now I can boot to my Phillz Recovery. But /sdcard and /system partition got corrupted. I had backup to /sdcard. So while internel sd card got corrupted I can't even restore my backup. So I am helpless now. Today morning, I went to a local phone repairing shop. They said, it's firmware isn't available for free. So they said they can help me if I bring them another same device. It's not possible because it was bought from KSA and I am in Bangladesh so, it is not a common device here.
And about that link, I found this too. But the price is not seems very fair to me.
What is your suggestion now? Any Idea how can I pull the backup from corrupted internel sd partition?

The only way is getting a working device of the same to backup it's firmware.

Sent from my M5 mini using Hovatek Mobile
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