[Tutorial] How to use NCK Pro Box to backup & restore SPD NVRAM
[Tutorial] How to use NCK Pro Box to backup & restore SPD NVRAM
Follow the steps below to backup or restore NVRAM of a Spreadtrum device using NCK Pro Box
See the video tutorial below or at https://youtu.be/YPGgJjtwEBYQuote:In this video tutorial, I'll be explaining how to backup and restore NVRAM to a Spreadtrum Android device using NCK box Spreadtrum Module. First off, You need to have the NCK pro box hardware and You need to have set it up. We have a guide for that. You also need to have installed the Spreadtrum USB drivers. We also have a guide for that and of course You need to have the Spreadtrum phone which you want to backup NVRAM from or restore to.
Now, just in case you don't know what the NVRAM is for, NVRAM controls your phone's radio; things like your IMEI Your Bluetooth address, Wi-Fi address and the rest. So if You have an NVRAM problem, Your phone might not be able to detect SIM cards due to the invalid IMEI or You might have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi problems. In such a case, You need to backup the NVRAM from a working phone and rewrite to Yours. That is what this guide is about.
Now, once you have these in place, You need to also have installed the NCK box Spreadtrum module as I have here. Run as Administrator. We have a guide on how to install the Spreadtrum module for NCK box so ensure to check out that guide and download the module. Now, what you want to do is just to wait for the module's dashboard to come up and of course Your box needs to be connected to the PC but not the phone yet.
Alright! Great! So the dashboard is up. Now, what You want to do is to come under the Flash Mode Utils although You can also do the same thing under the Diag Mode but that will be in another tutorial. This tutorial is about the Flash Mode. Now what You want to do is to come under the Flash Mode tab and you select your phone's CPU. Now, we have a guide on how to find out your phone's chipset so make sure You follow that guide.
For this particular phone I'm using, its Generic CPU so I'll just select Generic here. Its actually an Innjoo phone (Innjoo Halo) so I'll just select Generic there and then for the chipset, this is what the phone's chipset is. So under this Job section, what You'll want to do is to select Backup NVRAM. I'm backing up from the working phone in this case, although its the very same phone I'm backing up and writing to in this tutorial but its just to show you what its going to be like.
Now, we're backing up the NVRAM first, and we have the working phone standing by. So what You'll want to do is select this option that I have here and then You click on Do Job. Now, at this point, What You'll want to do is to power off the Spreadtrum device, still with battery in, then You hold the volume down button alright? Then connect it to the PC via the USB cord. Now, for this particular phone I am using, its actually the volume up button.
Its a very weird phone, so everything is the other way around for this phone. OK, so I have USB Not Recognized. I'm going to have to abort. When you have something like this, You have to just take out and reinsert the battery OK? That's what you do. Make sure you are holding the volume button correctly (You're not pressing both). So I've taken out and reinserted the battery, I'm going to repeat the procedure and I'm connecting now still seem to be running into this.
Alright! so what I can do now is to just close this box. I close the tool, I eject the smart card (that's the box), I reinsert then I'm going to rerun the tool. Well, I could as well cut out this part from the guide but its very important You also see what I'm encountering so You know what to do when You're in a similar situation. So I've taken out and reinserted the phone's battery.
That didn't seem to help. Next up, I have closed the tool. I've disconnected and reconnected the box and I'm relaunching the NCK Pro Spreadtrum module. So I have it up. I come here, I come under Generic. Here, this is phone's CPU and then I select Backup NVRAM, click Do Job. Alright! Holding the volume up button..Its supposed to be volume down but this particular phone is actually the other way around okay? Great! it's
working this time around.
For most Spreadtrum phones, its the volume down button but You see, for this particular phone it's actually the opposite. Everything is the opposite; the volume up button instead. So if you find out the volume down button doesn't seem to be helping the tool connect, then You use the volume button. Alright! Great! So my backup is complete I have Done. I can disconnect the phone.
I can just remove and insert the battery. Alright, so now what You'll want to do is navigate to this directory where you have the NVRAM backup your NVRAM (backup) contains a number of partitions actually so I'll just go down to my NCK box - backup spd_nvram_backup . Great! So I have my backup here. Alright! So now to restore. Its the same procedure.
We are restoring to the bricked phone, that's the phone that has an NVRAM issue. So what You'll just want to do is to launch the tool as I earlier described. You select the phone's chipsets, everything is still the same in this case but under the Job, You'll be selecting Restore NVRAM and then (clicking) Do Job. Alright! So what You'll want to do is to navigate to the location where you have the NVRAM file (that is in bin format).
You select the file and then You (click) Open. Now, what You'll want to do is to power off the device, still with battery in it, You hold the volume down button (ideally) but if in Your case, it's the other way around like this phone, You hold the volume up. Alright! so I have my NVRAM being written now to the phone which has NVRAM issues so prodnv, that is being written back.
Alright Great! So that is done. So You can now boot up the phone and You should see that the NVRAM issue should have been resolved. So that's how to backup and write NVRAM to a Spreadtrum Android device using NCK box Spreadtrum module