Pls help!!Stuck in Bootloop
Pls help!!Stuck in Bootloop
(19-03-2018, 03:14 PM)Vaayu Sharma So,saying stuck in bootloop wont do justice to the problem i am facing with my device(MT6582-LG OPTIMUS l4II).
Particularly,it's not soft bricked because at times i can switch on the device ,use it smoothly but soon i try to power it on with SIM cards in it,it gets into bootloop. Besides,most of the time when it gets on,it shows a message "Unfortunately the process has stopped. "
I get not get into RECOVERY Mode either nor can install custom recovery!when ever i try to do,device gets resetted!Plus a strange Recovery mode appears which i dont know how to handle!(screen shot in attachment,got on internet)
What is the problem with my device and how can i solve it?Any method is accepted...i want it to be in working stage again!
thanks in advance for looking into the matter!
(20-03-2018, 03:11 PM)Vaayu Sharma yes,tried everything that could be done but to futile.
Couldnot boot into safe mode using the suggested method.
I used "POWER +VOLUME DOWN BUTTON " to get into recovery but instead something as given in the attachment appers and i dont know to proced further .Beside no physical neither touch works. I also tried "power+volume up",but then phone simply resets or gets into bootloop what to do??
And yes yester when i trie to get to recovbery using adb,a strange screenb appeared with nothing on the screen but a android with a exclamination mark ....I then tried to press POWER button and volume up for few secs then released volume button to reveal the menus but nothing appeared and again got into bootloop>>.