[Please help] TWRP for mt6735 32bit kernel 3.18.19+
[Please help] TWRP for mt6735 32bit kernel 3.18.19+
(23-02-2018, 04:20 PM)jerr6248 Devs from this forum. Can you help me find the correct twrp for my device? My device is Firefly Mobile Aurii Intense Metal 4g. It is MT6735 32bit kernel 3.18.19+. I already ported other twrp's that is closer to my devices' specs but it has touch bug or it won't boot. Maybe that twrp was from 3.10.xx kernel. All I need is the link for the twrp that I needed. I hope this forum would help me. Thanks in advance...
(03-04-2018, 01:16 AM)jerr6248 I ported the twrp that you provide but still touch not working.