restoring scatter-file (bins) backup to a phone - problem
restoring scatter-file (bins) backup to a phone - problem
(08-12-2017, 10:10 PM)Oʞuɐpıuoʞop Ɯʇ .. update - i've tried with sp flash tool as well - but it seems that it cannot recognize the scattered file format
(08-12-2017, 06:18 PM)vlnikoli hi
i've made a backup of my moto e4 plus mt phone using miraclebox 2.27. in directory of harddrive on my pc i have collection of bin files, as well as txt file (scatter file).
now i am trying to restore this backup on my phone but without success.
i get messages:
Waiting for USB Port...
Set MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM7)
Please Hold "ON" to connect with the phone...
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6735 SW:0000 Ver: CB00
Downloading Boot8 ...
EMMC Size: 0x03A3E00000
Flash Type: EMMC
INT/EXT RAM Size: 0x0+0x0
>>Error1: no 5A
what shall i do
(03-01-2020, 03:08 PM)pawelek Me too ">>Error1: no 5A"