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Hovatek Forum DEVELOPMENT Android [Development] How to unpack & repack boot.img or recovery.img using Carliv

[Development] How to unpack & repack boot.img or recovery.img using Carliv

[Development] How to unpack & repack boot.img or recovery.img using Carliv

02-11-2016, 05:28 PM

This is a step-by-step guide on how to use carliv image kitchen to unpack & repack boot.img or recovery.img. It will come in handy for those who wish to port a custom recovery


Steps to unpack and repack a recovery image (recovery.img) and boot image (boot.img)

Follow the steps below to use Carliv Image Kitchen in unpacking & repacking recovery or boot

How to unpack boot.img

  1. Extract the CarlivImage Kitchen zip file into a folder on the PC

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-1.jpg]

  2. Copy the boot.img into the boot-resources folder

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-2.jpg]

  3. Go back to the root folder and double-click carliv.bat

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-3.jpg]

  4. Type b then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-4.jpg]

  5. Type 1 then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-5.jpg]

  6. Type 1 then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-6.jpg]

  7. Wait till unpacking is done then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-7.jpg]

  8. You should find the unpacked boot.img in the boot folder

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-8.jpg]

How to repack boot.img

  1. Go back to Carliv Image Kitchen, type 2 then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-9.jpg]

  2. Wait till repacking is done then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-10.jpg]

  3. You should find the repacked boot image in the output folder. You can rename it to boot

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-boot.img-11.jpg]

How to unpack recovery.img

  1.   Copy the recovery.img into the recovery-resources folder

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-1.jpg]

  2. Go back to the root folder and double-click carliv.bat

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-2.jpg]

  3. Type r then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-3.jpg]

  4. Type 1 then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-4.jpg]

  5. Type 1 then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-5.jpg]

  6. Wait till unpacking is done then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-6.jpg]

  7. You should see the unpacked recovery.img in the recovery folder

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-7.jpg]

How to repack recovery.img

  1. Go back to Carliv Image Kitchen, type 2 then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-8.jpg]

  2. Wait till repacking is done then press Enter

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-9.jpg]

  3. You should see the repacked recovery image in the output folder. You can rename it to recovery

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-unpack-and-repack-recovery.img-10.jpg]

Important Notice
  • Ensure to name the file appropriately i.e as either boot.img or recovery.img
  • This will work for -verified.img files, just remove the -verified portion from the file name
  • You might encounter an error unpacking signed images i.e boot-sign.img or recovery-sign.img. For such images, you first need to unsign before unpacking
  • For images in .bin format, simply rename the extension from .bin to .img
  • There are many other tools to unpack and repack Android images so feel free to explore
This post was last modified: 11-02-2024, 04:23 PM by hovatek.

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27-06-2018, 12:05 AM
Hi, i have problem, i'm trying unpack Huawei Honor 8 (FRD-L19) boot.img, when i try unpack i just get 

Your image: boot.img

Create the boot folder.

 Android boot magic not found.
Compression used: ~1

Unpacking the ramdisk....

The system cannot find the batch label specified - ~1
Press any key to continue . . .

please help.
27-06-2018, 10:30 AM
(27-06-2018, 12:05 AM)SuomiPelaajaa Hi, i have problem, i'm trying unpack Huawei Honor 8 (FRD-L19) boot.img, when i try unpack i just get 

Your image: boot.img

Create the boot folder.

 Android boot magic not found.
Compression used: ~1

Unpacking the ramdisk....

The system cannot find the batch label specified - ~1
Press any key to continue . . .

please help.

It seems your boot is signed. Unsign using https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-21005.html

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01-02-2019, 01:55 AM
hi, i have problem to unpack recovery files

i get this when try unpack

"/recovery.img-ramdisk.gz: cpio: license/openaes: Cannot change mode to rwxr-xr-x: Permission denied"

what should i do next?
01-02-2019, 09:23 AM

(01-02-2019, 01:55 AM)abdisohad hi, i have problem to unpack recovery files

i get this when try unpack

"/recovery.img-ramdisk.gz:     cpio: license/openaes: Cannot change mode to rwxr-xr-x: Permission denied"

what should i do next?

create a new thread so we'll focus on this
see https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-514.html for how to create a thread
Enthusiastic Member
28-03-2021, 06:10 AM
I have firmware OTA update for vivo y71...

I want to find recovery.img from OTA firmware, but nothing recovery.img is found, only recovery-resource.dat and install-recovery.sh

How to unpack that's 2 files recovery for got recovery.img for ported twrp?
30-03-2021, 08:30 AM
(28-03-2021, 06:10 AM)bontersoft I have firmware OTA update for vivo y71...

I want to find recovery.img from OTA firmware, but nothing recovery.img is found, only recovery-resource.dat and install-recovery.sh

How to unpack that's 2 files recovery for got recovery.img for ported twrp?

Those won't do. If the OTA contains a boot.img then that might do

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