[Development] How to unpack & repack boot.img or recovery.img using Carliv
[Development] How to unpack & repack boot.img or recovery.img using Carliv
Follow the steps below to use Carliv Image Kitchen in unpacking & repacking recovery or boot
(27-06-2018, 12:05 AM)SuomiPelaajaa Hi, i have problem, i'm trying unpack Huawei Honor 8 (FRD-L19) boot.img, when i try unpack i just get
Your image: boot.img
Create the boot folder.
Android boot magic not found.
Compression used: ~1
Unpacking the ramdisk....
The system cannot find the batch label specified - ~1
Press any key to continue . . .
please help.
(01-02-2019, 01:55 AM)abdisohad hi, i have problem to unpack recovery files
i get this when try unpack
"/recovery.img-ramdisk.gz: cpio: license/openaes: Cannot change mode to rwxr-xr-x: Permission denied"
what should i do next?
(28-03-2021, 06:10 AM)bontersoft I have firmware OTA update for vivo y71...
I want to find recovery.img from OTA firmware, but nothing recovery.img is found, only recovery-resource.dat and install-recovery.sh
How to unpack that's 2 files recovery for got recovery.img for ported twrp?