Vankyo S8 (Unisoc SC7731E) stuck in eternal boot after attempting to boot bad TWRP
Vankyo S8 (Unisoc SC7731E) stuck in eternal boot after attempting to boot bad TWRP
(10-07-2024, 01:10 PM)ak142 KDE's systray proposes to mount it as a storage device, however when I click on it, nothing happens
(16-07-2024, 08:39 PM)maxpayne(10-07-2024, 01:10 PM)ak142 KDE's systray proposes to mount it as a storage device, however when I click on it, nothing happens
Does the tablet have a reset pin hole just below the power button? If it does, insert a PIN and hold down for 15 seconds then release
(17-07-2024, 11:15 PM)ak142 Thanks for your reply.
It does indeed have a reset pin hole.
However, inserting a pin in there for 15 seconds does the same thing as holding power for a long time: it goes into eternal boot.
Even inserting pin, and pressing volume up or down at the same time doesn't do anything else :-(
(20-07-2024, 05:54 PM)maxpayne Sound pretty much like you'll need the firmware...strange as it seems.
(28-07-2024, 10:04 AM)ak142 Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, Vankyo never published a firmware upgrade for this device, so I'm not sure where to get such firmware.
And even if I had a stock firmware image, the problem would remain how to flash it back on the device, as it seems unreactive to any way to enter a mode capable of flashing.