Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Lenovo Tab 2 A7-30D tablet not booting up

Lenovo Tab 2 A7-30D tablet not booting up

Lenovo Tab 2 A7-30D tablet not booting up

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Enthusiastic Member
07-08-2023, 01:43 PM

After flashing the wrong rom, the tablet stopped booting. It was 2 years ago when I first installed the ROM. I probably chose the F version (for the Tab 2 A7-30F model) and did not uncheck any block. Now it doesn't respond to anything. When connected to a laptop it is detected as MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM9) and it keeps appearing and disappearing. I charged it all day until the power consumption dropped, but it didn't help. Today I tried to fix it with the Test Point method, but unfortunately it didn't help either. I have tried many times to flash it in many different ways. The tablet is already 8 years old. For now, I have it open and with the charged battery removed. I'm open to repair suggestions. I really hope we can fix it together. Thank you
Verified Account
07-08-2023, 01:43 PM
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Enthusiastic Member
08-08-2023, 09:27 AM
After flashing the wrong rom, the tablet stopped booting. It was 2 years ago when I first installed the ROM. I probably chose the F version (for the Tab 2 A7-30F model) and did not uncheck any block. Now it doesn't respond to anything. When connected to a laptop it is detected as MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM9) and it keeps appearing and disappearing. I charged it all day until the power consumption dropped, but it didn't help. Today I tried to fix it with the Test Point method, but unfortunately it didn't help either. I have tried many times to flash it in many different ways. The tablet is already 8 years old. I currently have it open and with the charged battery removed. I'm open to repair suggestions. I really hope we can fix it together. Thank you
Verified Account
08-08-2023, 09:27 AM
Thank you for reaching out for support. Due to high demand, our free support services may experience some delays in response time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Alternatively, we offer private support where you can receive dedicated attention and prompt support. These sessions are designed to provide personalized solutions to your specific needs.
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Enthusiastic Member
08-08-2023, 01:02 PM

Po sflashowaniu niewłaściwego romu tablet przestał się uruchamiać. To było 2 lata temu, kiedy po raz pierwszy zainstalowałem ROM. Wybrałem chyba wersję F (dla modelu Tab 2 A7-30F) i nie odznaczyłem żadnego bloku. Teraz nie reaguje na nic. Po podłączeniu do laptopa jest wykrywany jako MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM9) i ciągle się pojawia i znika. Ładowałem go cały dzień, aż pobór prądu spadł, ale to nie pomogło. Dzisiaj próbowałem to naprawić metodą Test Point, ale niestety też nie pomogło. Wiele razy próbowałem sflashować go na wiele różnych sposobów. Tablet ma już 8 lat. Obecnie mam go otwartego iz wyjętą naładowaną baterią. Jestem otwarty na propozycje naprawy. Naprawdę mam nadzieję, że wspólnie to naprawimy. Dziękuję
Verified Account
08-08-2023, 01:02 PM
Thank you for reaching out for support. Due to high demand, our free support services may experience some delays in response time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Alternatively, we offer private support where you can receive dedicated attention and prompt support. These sessions are designed to provide personalized solutions to your specific needs.
If you are interested in scheduling a private session, please visit https://www.hovatek.com/remote
10-08-2023, 04:42 PM
(08-08-2023, 01:02 PM)00bartosz00
Po sflashowaniu niewłaściwego romu tablet przestał się uruchamiać. To było 2 lata temu, kiedy po raz pierwszy zainstalowałem ROM. Wybrałem chyba wersję F (dla modelu Tab 2 A7-30F) i nie odznaczyłem żadnego bloku. Teraz nie reaguje na nic. Po podłączeniu do laptopa jest wykrywany jako MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM9) i ciągle się pojawia i znika. Ładowałem go cały dzień, aż pobór prądu spadł, ale to nie pomogło. Dzisiaj próbowałem to naprawić metodą Test Point, ale niestety też nie pomogło. Wiele razy próbowałem sflashować go na wiele różnych sposobów. Tablet ma już 8 lat. Obecnie mam go otwartego iz wyjętą naładowaną baterią. Jestem otwarty na propozycje naprawy. Naprawdę mam nadzieję, że wspólnie to naprawimy. Dziękuję

English bro

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10-08-2023, 04:44 PM
(07-08-2023, 01:43 PM)00bartosz00 After flashing the wrong rom, the tablet stopped booting. It was 2 years ago when I first installed the ROM. I probably chose the F version (for the Tab 2 A7-30F model) and did not uncheck any block. Now it doesn't respond to anything. When connected to a laptop it is detected as MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM9) and it keeps appearing and disappearing. I charged it all day until the power consumption dropped, but it didn't help. Today I tried to fix it with the Test Point method, but unfortunately it didn't help either. I have tried many times to flash it in many different ways. The tablet is already 8 years old. For now, I have it open and with the charged battery removed. I'm open to repair suggestions. I really hope we can fix it together. Thank you

Do you have the correct firmware?

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can't wait.
Enthusiastic Member
10-08-2023, 06:23 PM
Yes, I have
17-08-2023, 11:00 AM
(10-08-2023, 06:23 PM)00bartosz00 Yes, I have

Try this https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-40866.html

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can't wait.
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